Flutter Developer
Salary(gross): from 4000 to 5000 EUR monthly
Apply till 17.04.2025
Full time
Job description in English
Due to the growth of the company, we are looking for a developer, who is excited and passionate about the newest technologies and who has already tried and enjoyed building applications with Flutter who wants to grow professionally with Flutter and to join the team of professionals.
PRODUCT: Mobile applications for Android and iOS.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Creation of complex mobile applications from scratch.
- 4+ years in software development;
- 3+ years of writing Flutter applications
- 1+ years writing Dart applications
- Portfolio of the app(s) for AppStore/PlayStore is an advantage
- Networking and communication (e.g. Dio etc.);
- Use of Riverpod;
- Asynchronous execution;
- Architectural patterns in Flutter (e.g. BLOC).
- Third-party libraries and APIs;
- Git, SVN, or other version control tools;
- Writing readable code, creating extensive documentation for existing code;
- Automated testing and building;
- Working in accordance with design/mockups provided;
- UI/UX principles;
- Agile development life-cycle;
- Leading a concept from its early stages of development through to market;
- App Store and Play Store publishing process;
- Fluent in English;
- Strong written & verbal communication skills;
- Ability to work both in a team and independently to reach your goals, being proactive in reaching out to other areas of the business, both technical and non-technical, to find the information you need.
- Great opportunity to take part in the development of growth- and innovation-driven company and build its future.
- Dynamic work in a rapidly growing international company with personal development possibilities.
- Professional team with various, international backgrounds to collaborate.
- Opportunity for career development.
- Competitive salary and benefits package: annual company performance bonus, extra day off on your birthday, dedicated days off for your physical and mental health, additional vacation days depending on the length of employment, health insurance policy, wellness and team-building events, dedicated budget for your training and development, paid online consultations with certified therapists and so much more!
Darba apraksts latviešu valodā
Sakarā ar uzņēmuma izaugsmi, mēs meklējam izstrādātāju, kurš ir sajūsmā un aizraujas ar jaunākajām tehnoloģijām un kurš jau ir izmēģinājis un izbaudījis aplikāciju veidošanu ar Flutter, kurš vēlas profesionāli augt kopā ar Flutter un pievienoties profesionāļu komandai.
PRODUKTS: Android un iOS mobilās lietotājprogrammas
PIENĀKUMI: sarežģītu mobilo aplikāciju izveide no nulles.
- 4+ gadi programmatūras izstrādē;
- 3+ gadi izstrādājot Flutter aplikācijas
- 1+ gads izstrādājot Dart aplikācijas
- Aplikāciju portfolio AppStore/PlayStore tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību
- Tīklošanu un komunikāciju (piemēram, Dio u.c.);
- Riverpod lietošanu
- Asinhronu izpildi;
- Arhitektūras modeļiem programmā Flutter (piemēram, BLOC).
- Trešo personu bibliotēkām un API;
- GIT, SVN vai citu versiju kontroles rīki ;
- Lasāma koda rakstīšanu, plašas dokumentācijas izveidi esošajam kodam;
- Automatizētu testēšanu un uzbūvi;
- Darbu saskaņā ar dizainu/nodrošinātiem maketiem;
- UI/UX principiem;
- Agile attīstības dzīves ciklu;
- Koncepta virzīšanu no tā agrīnajiem attīstības posmiem līdz palaišanai tirgū;
- App Store un Play Store publicēšanas procesu;
- Brīvi pārvaldīta angļu valoda;
- Spēcīgas rakstiskas un mutiskas komunikācijas prasmes;
Spēja strādāt gan komandā, gan patstāvīgi, lai sasniegtu savus mērķus, kā arī spēja būt proaktīvam, lai sadarbotos ar citiem departamentiem - gan tehniskiem, gan ne tehniskiem, lai iegūtu sev nepieciešamo informāciju.
- Lieliska iespēja piedalīties uz izaugsmi un inovācijām virzīta uzņēmuma attīstībā un veidot tā nākotni.
- Dinamisks darbs strauji augošā starptautiskā uzņēmumā ar personīgās attīstības iespējām.
- Profesionāla komanda ar dažādu starptautisku pieredzi, lai sadarbotos.
- Iespējas karjeras izaugsmei.
- Plaša priekšrocību paka: ikgadējā prēmija, papildu brīvdiena dzimšanas dienā, īpašas brīvdienas fiziskajai un garīgajai veselībai, papildu atvaļinājuma dienas atkarībā no nodarbinātības ilguma, veselības apdrošināšanas polise, labsajūtas un komandas saliedēšanas pasākumi, īpašs budžets apmācībām un attīstībai, bezmaksas tiešsaistes konsultācijas ar sertificētiem psihologiem un vēl daudz vairāk!
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About the company
We are Entain - one of the biggest iGaming companies worldwide. Our vision is to be the world leader in betting, gaming and interactive entertainment. We will achieve this through our focus on sustainability and growth, transforming our sector for our players, for ourselves and for the good of entertainment.
The Entain journey began on 9th December 2020, but our brands have been making history since the 1880s. Licensed in 27 jurisdictions, we’re now home to a global family of more than 25 iconic names - such big names as BetMGM, Bwin, Coral, Ladbrokes.
In Entain we employ around 24,000 people in 19 countries across five continents, with retail operations in the UK, Ireland, Belgium and Italy.
ENLABS, which stands for Entertainment Laboratories, was acquired by Entain and joined the Entain family in April of 2021.
In ENLABS (from recent - part of Entain) we are a company that creates entertainment through innovative thinking by offering our customers industry-leading gaming content across all product verticals coupled with outstanding localized service. We are the largest iGaming operator in the Baltics with an ambition to expand well beyond, becoming one of the leading online gaming companies in other regions of Europe. We focus on regulated or soon to be regulated markets and promote responsible gambling. Regulation means a guarantee of fair play, player protection and local gambling tax contributions. As part of portfolio ENLABS owns a group of licensed online gaming companies located in several European jurisdictions. We operate a portfolio of well-known brands including our flagship brand “Optibet”, "Klondaika"and "Ninja Casino".
Today ENLABS (incorporated into Entain as of recent) is a multi-brand online gaming company with 650+ people from more than 15 countries situated in offices across Riga (headquarters), Tallinn, Vilnius, Malta, Marbella, Stockholm and Minsk. We are proud to be the leading iGaming operator in the Baltic States, and one of the fastest growing operators in Eastern Europe.