International Leadership Trainee Program by Coca-Cola HBC
Applying for the vacancy has ended
The International Leadership Trainee Program is for high caliber talents at the beginning of their professional journey. This program is built to fast-track your international career in Commercial and prepare you to become the leader of tomorrow. The program start date is 1st of Oct 2023.
This is a top-notch program, that will accelerate your professional development and your international career.
You will get a mix of hands-on tasks at the office and in the market, and impactful projects.
This will be a complex learning process, mentored by Coca-Cola Senior Leaders.
The application process is an educational journey.
Education: At university, Professional degree, University graduate, Master's degree (higher education), Applied economics, Computer science, Financial economics, Managerial economics
And Must Also Match Interests: Business administration (business and finance), Leadership development, Leadership studies, Logistics (business and finance), Mechanical engineering (engineering), Business (business and finance), Economics (economics), Management (business and finance), Digital marketing (marketing), Sales (business and finance)
You will get the chance to drive the future of Coca-Cola HBC, working together with our senior leaders. This is an 18 to 24 months program program that will fast-track you as a commercial leader. You will join an early-talent, high caliber program that will fast-track your career like no other. You will learn and grow in an exponential rate, you will benefit from formal and informal learning opportunities and you will enjoy a complete working experience.
This program allows you to leap-jump, instead of taking each step.You will develop multiple leadership and hard skills, get certifications, access to excellent learning platforms, and work alongside senior managers and top-in-their-field professionals.
International campus in the first week
You will start your adventure in the program on an international campus. You will get to know the company and its leaders and meet your fellow trainees and your mentor.
Onboarding in your country
Your first three months will be an intense learning period. You will get to know the company and the stakeholders, learn on the job and also from others.
Home-country commercial assignment
Firstly, you will spend time in the market to know field sales, learn best-practices and be at the heart of our organization. You will work hand in hand with other departments.
International assignment
You will move to another country from Coca-Cola HBC group to gain experience and build a strategic understanding.
Cross-functional assignment
You will not only learn how our commercial team operates but you will explore wide organizational synergy working with other functions such as finance or supply chain.
Strategic Group project
You will grab a strategic perspective, joining projects on the group level (covering multiple markets) in areas such as Sustainability or Digital commerce
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About the company
Coca-Cola HBC Latvia
Coca-Cola HBC ir uz izaugsmi orientēts plaša patēriņa dzērienu uzņēmums un The Coca-Cola Company stratēģiskais dzērienu ražošanas partneris. Mēs radām vērtību visām iesaistītajām pusēm, atbalstot vietējās sabiedrības sociāli ekonomisko attīstību mūsu darbības valstīs, un uzskatām, ka pozitīvākas ietekmes radīšana uz vidi ir integrāli svarīga mūsu turpmākai izaugsmei. Kopumā mēs un mūsu klienti apkalpojam 740 miljonus patērētāju plašā ģeogrāfiskā teritorijā 29 valstīs un trīs kontinentos. Mūsu portfolio ir viens no spēcīgākajiem, plašākajiem un elastīgākajiem visā dzērienu nozarē, piedāvājot patērētāju vidū vadošos dzērienu zīmolus gāzēto, sulu, ūdens, sporta, enerģijas, augu bāzes, gatavās tējas un kafijas un citās kategorijās.
Mēs veicinām atklātu un iekļaujošu darba vidi mūsu darbiniekiem un esam novērtēti kā vieni no līderiem ilgtspējas jomā tādos ESG etalonu testos kā Dow Jones Ilgtspējas rādītāji, CDP, MSCI ESG un FTSE4Good.