Proofreaders read copies and transcripts and check to make sure there are no spelling, grammatical or typographical errors. They work for publishers, newspapers and other places that rely on perfect grammar in printing. Typically, proofreaders will receive copy and note any changes that are needed for writers, typists, or editors to change. In some cases, proofreaders also make sure that pages are spaced correctly, so that copy is not cut off during the printing process. Proofreaders have to know different styles of grammar, depending on where they work.
The United Kingdom: £21,088 a year
The United States of America: $43,357 a year
Australia: AU$57,750 a year
There are proofreading qualification courses available, where one can acquire the basics of proofreading or specialise in certain topics, fields, etc.
Usually employers carry out tests to check the proofreader’s skills. These tests are prepared to check the proofreader’s spelling, speed, and skill in finding errors in a sample text. There is a certain amount of errors in the sample text and there is also limited time devoted to filling out the test. Proofreading qualification certificates can be advantage, but the emphasis is usually put on the tests, therefore, one has to devote plenty of time in developing one’s skills in order to become a successful proofreader.
- To read and evaluate material for grammatical errors and style consistency.
- To confer with writers and/or editors to resolve problems or questions.
- To format text on a word processor.
- To maintain list of material to be edited while it is being processed.
- To maintain and update mailing lists.
- To maintain schedule of deadlines for printing and mailing projects and to make printing and mailing arrangements.
- To assist in bibliography compiling and formating; to perform basic library research related to project.
- Knowledge of language skills necessary for proofreading and editing written material
- Ability to read attentively
- Great grammar skills
- Attention to detail
- Ability to stay focused
- Knowledge of publication formats
The United Kingdom: £21,088 a year
The United States of America: $43,357 a year
Australia: AU$57,750 a year
Qualifications and training required:
Proofreaders typically need a bachelor's degree in arts, journalism, or a related field, as well as impeccable spelling, grammar, and knowledge of style.There are proofreading qualification courses available, where one can acquire the basics of proofreading or specialise in certain topics, fields, etc.
Usually employers carry out tests to check the proofreader’s skills. These tests are prepared to check the proofreader’s spelling, speed, and skill in finding errors in a sample text. There is a certain amount of errors in the sample text and there is also limited time devoted to filling out the test. Proofreading qualification certificates can be advantage, but the emphasis is usually put on the tests, therefore, one has to devote plenty of time in developing one’s skills in order to become a successful proofreader.
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