Video Content Creator (TikTok and Instagram Reels) Summer Internship for High School Pupils and University Students
Salary(gross): from 300 to 700 EUR monthly
Applying for the vacancy has ended
Are you a motivated and talented video content creator looking to learn and gain hands-on experience with an industry-leading drone software company? This is your chance!
SPH Engineering is looking for Video Content Creator (TikTok and Instagram Reels) for a summer internship.
Join our highly experienced and collaborative marketing team this summer, with a supportive mentor to guide you every step of the way. And if we click, after the internship, you could be offered a permanent paid position that can be combined with your studies after the summer period.
What You Need:
- Our content is in English, so excellent English speaking and writing skills are a must;
- You have a true passion for social media, creating and editing digital content (focus on TikTok and Instagram Reels), and staying up to date with the latest trends and innovations;
- You have great communication skills;
- You believe you’re the most creative person in your class, and you’re really responsible;
- It helps if you are interested in drones - we have a lot of them!
Hybrid format:
Hybrid work with the possibility to come to our office in Baloži for production part (Dzelzs iela 32, Baloži, Baložu pilsēta, LV-2112, Latvia)
Cool things you'll do with us:
- Monitor and analyse trends of our industry on social media;
- Conceptualize and create storylines for videos;
- Film and edit video content for TikTok, cross-posted to Instagram Reels;
- Deliver the final video results within the agreed timeline.
Want to get on board?
Send us links to any of your personal videos (existing Instagram or TikTok profile with reels or YouTube channel) and a short motivation letter with background information in English to
No professional experience required, just show us what you've created!
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About the company
SPH Engineering, SIA
SIA SPH Engineering ir Latvijas uzņēmums, kas izstrādā viegli lietojamu programmatūru visa veida bezpilota transportlīdzekļu misiju plānošanai un veikšanai, kā arī piedāvā risinājumus dažādu bezpilota sistēmu integrēšanai. Uzņēmumā apvienojušies savas jomas entuziasti, kuri dedzīgi seko līdzi nozares jaunākajām tendencēm un tehnoloģijām, vienlaikus apzinot klientu vajadzības, kas ir pamatā nemitīgai produktu pilnveidošanai. Līdz šim pazīstamākie SPH Engineering produkti ir UgCS platforma dronu misiju automatizēšanai ar iebūvētiem fotogrammetrijas un ģeomarķēšanas rīkiem, karšu pielāgošanu un bateriju nomainīšanas iespēju ilgos lidojumos, kā arī Drone Show Software platforma dronu šovu rīkošanai. Plašāka informācija par minēto produktu un pašu uzņēmumu angliski pieejama mājaslapā
SPH Engineering ( is a multiproduct drone software company and UAV integration services provider. Founded in 2013 in Latvia (EU) as a UAV mission planning and flight control start-up, the company has evolved from a developer of a single flagship product (UgCS) to a market leader of multiple drone solutions. Today, the company boasts a rich global customer and reseller network in 150+ countries, while over 45% of partners are located in North America. To provide high-quality solutions for UAV professionals, SPH Engineering's team advances four key product lines: UgCS (mission planning and flight control software), UgCS Integrated Systems (airborne integrated systems with sensors from diverse manufacturers), Drone Show Software (only commercially available software to manage drone swarm flights) and ATLAS (AI platform to process and analyze geospatial data).