Internship in Project Management
Applying for the vacancy has ended
We're looking for Intern in Project Management
Join our team.
Let’s shape the future of global eCommerce together!
You are a perfect candidate if you have:
- Internship contract provided by your educational institution
- Basic understanding of IT Project Management
- Excellent communication skills
- Genuine interest in leading and motivating a team on their way to success
- Flexible and open-minded to changes and trying out something new
- A sparkle to overcome challenges and deliver results
- Proficiency in Business English
Not a must but nice to have:
- Understanding of Agile and Scrum
- Proficiency in Latvian, B2
We will entrust you with:
- Leading product discovery, creating and managing backlog, defining user storiesDelivering timely, value-added products
- Representing client interests and business needs
- Conducting frequent reviews and gathering stakeholder feedback
- Overseeing project health and milestones
- Identifying and mitigating potential project risks
- Facilitating clear collaboration and communication among stakeholders
- Driving continuous process improvement and best practices
- Planning and coordinating product releases, including feature sets and timelines
- Managing the development team, prioritizing tasks and setting the direction
We offer you:
- Possibility to plan your working time and combine it with studies
- Hands on experience in rapidly growing IT company, professional challenges
- Comfortable onboarding and mentoring
- Possibility to conclude an employment contract in case of successful internship
- Work on exciting practice tasks, opportunity to grow and develop, expand industry-related knowledge
- All the tools you need for efficient and comfortable work, including powerful hardware
- Start of the working day up to 10am
- Work in hybrid mode, with flexible office days
- Possibly friendliest colleagues and best company events!
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About the company
Magebit ir starptautiski atpazīstama kompānija, kas specializējas e-komercijā un nodrošina visus ar to saistītos pakalpojumus - izstrādi, uzturēšanu, stratēģiju, dizainu un mārketingu. Mūsu klienti nāk no 29 pasaules valstīm, to skaitā ir tādi uzņēmumi kā Volkswagen, Madara Cosmetics, Mossa Cosmetics, Xsports un daudzi citi.
Mūsu darbinieku labsajūta ir viena no uzņēmuma galvenajām vērtībām, līdz ar to darba vide, ko esam izveidojuši, ir tiešām unikāla. Mēs apvienojam orientētību uz ambicioziem mērķiem ar relaksēto atmosfēru mūsu ofisā, kur ne tikai strādājam, bet arī jautri pavadam laiku. Magebit ir vieta, kur katram ir iespējas attīstīties profesionāli.
Ja programmēšana un e-komercija aizrauj Tevi tik pat daudz kā mūs - tad Magebit gaida tieši TEVI!