Internship in Web Development
Applying for the vacancy has ended
If the selection process ends successfully and you become part of the Magebit team, we will provide everything you need to help you gain knowledge and skills to take your first but confident steps in the IT sphere.
Magebit has an internal training program that will prepare you for work. You will also have a team which will help you go through the training and also complete the first practical tasks.
You are a perfect candidate if you have:
- Internship contract provided by your educational institution
- Basic skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP (OOP, MVC)
- Ability to work both independently and in a team
- Good English language skills
After the learning we will entrust you with:
- Planning, developing and testing various web solutions
- Working with e-commerce pages
- Creating new integrations through various services
- Working in agile teams to develop and/or maintain online stores
We offer you:
- Possibility to plan your working time and combine it with studies
- Work from any location up to your choice (remote / from the office / hybrid)
- Comfortable onboarding and mentoring
- Possibility to conclude an employment contract in case of successful internship
- Work on exciting practice tasks, opportunity to grow and develop, expand industry-related knowledge
- All the tools you need for efficient and comfortable work, including powerful hardware
- A modern office, equipped for both - work and fun
- Free parking
- Possibly friendliest colleagues and best company events
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About the company
Magebit ir starptautiski atpazīstama kompānija, kas specializējas e-komercijā un nodrošina visus ar to saistītos pakalpojumus - izstrādi, uzturēšanu, stratēģiju, dizainu un mārketingu. Mūsu klienti nāk no 29 pasaules valstīm, to skaitā ir tādi uzņēmumi kā Volkswagen, Madara Cosmetics, Mossa Cosmetics, Xsports un daudzi citi.
Mūsu darbinieku labsajūta ir viena no uzņēmuma galvenajām vērtībām, līdz ar to darba vide, ko esam izveidojuši, ir tiešām unikāla. Mēs apvienojam orientētību uz ambicioziem mērķiem ar relaksēto atmosfēru mūsu ofisā, kur ne tikai strādājam, bet arī jautri pavadam laiku. Magebit ir vieta, kur katram ir iespējas attīstīties profesionāli.
Ja programmēšana un e-komercija aizrauj Tevi tik pat daudz kā mūs - tad Magebit gaida tieši TEVI!